Get Involved


The most important ingredient in a successful Celebration is prayer.



Join us and help lead people to Jesus.



Attend training that will reignite your faith and teach you how to share it with others.


Be an Andrew

This is a resource to help you pray for friends and invite them to the Celebration.



Partner with us to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.



Almost 6,000 Ontarians attended the Quinte Celebration of Hope.

Prayer & Praise Requests

  • Praise God for the 248 attendees who surrendered their life to Christ
  • Pray that God would connect these new believers with their local churches and that they would be mentored to by fellow believers
  • Praise God for the 146 attendees who rededicated their life to Christ
  • Pray for attendees who heard the Good News but have not yet made a decision – pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them to Him

More Prayer Opportunities


The Quinte Celebration of Hope provides hundreds of opportunities to volunteer! Check out the many ways that you can help us now as we prepare for the many events leading up to and during the Celebration weekend. Don’t underestimate the impact you are making when you volunteer!

Stay tuned for details on volunteer registration.

Volunteer FAQ’s

How old do I have to be to volunteer with the Celebration of Hope?
You have to be 18 years old for the majority of volunteer positions, however there are some volunteer opportunities for teens that are younger than this.

How many volunteers do you need for the Celebration of Hope?
The Celebration of Hope is a series of events that take place over an 8-10 month period. The number of volunteers positions needed varies for each event ranging from 10 – 300+.

Can I volunteer with a friend and serve in the same shift? Can we volunteer as a small group?
Yes, as long as we still have room for everyone! Please have each person in your group fill out a volunteer application and then send them in together requesting that you serve together. Please indicate on your correspondence with us who the leader of the group is.

I applied to be a volunteer for the weekend of the event. When will I know what position and shift I’ve been chosen for?
Individuals that fill out an application to be an Event Volunteer during the Celebration weekend (October 4-6, 2019), will be contacted in September to confirm your position and shift. Shortly after that you will receive a letter that specifies when and where to meet during the Celebration weekend!


Our training is rooted in the Christian Life and Witness Course (CLWC) for adults and FM419 for youth. These are the best opportunities you have to become equipped for a Celebration as well as a lifetime of evangelism and discipleship.

CLWCChristian Life and Witness Course
CLWC will reignite your faith and empower you to live a life that radiates God’s love. Discover the victory He has for His children and equip yourself to share it with others through this dynamic course. You’ll also find practical help in reaching the next generation for Christ. The course is taught by a representative of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Find a Course

FM419 is specifically designed for youth, but adults are welcome to attend. Youth from across the region will gather for a session of music and life-changing training. Get down to the basics of what you believe, find power to live what you say, and learn how to share your faith with others.

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

FM419 student evangelism training took place on April 27.

Be an Andrew

In John 1:40-42a (NIV) we read, “Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.”

Be an Andrew is based on that passage. Those of us who have a personal relationship with Christ must seek out our brothers and sisters who don’t know Him and bring them to Him. We do this by making a list of those we know who need to know Jesus, then praying for them and building/strengthening our relationships with them. We make plans to take them to the Celebration services, not just invite them to go. Many people have come to Christ because of Be an Andrew.

This program encourages you to:

  • Look Around – to identify relatives, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances who show the need for a relationship with Christ.
  • Look Up – by routinely praying for these individuals and for the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with them.
  • Look Out – for ways to cultivate friendships with each person on your list and earn their confidence, ultimately finding opportunities to talk with them about Christ.
  • Look Forward – to invite each person to a Celebration meeting.
  • Look After – those who respond to the invitation or show an interest in learning more about the Gospel.

Make your list today and start praying!

Prayer Card


We’re partnering with believers and their churches across Canada to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through a compelling Gospel message, music, powerful testimonies and one-on-one discipleship. You can join us in mobilizing Christians and bringing hope to others.


Become a Sponsor

This Celebration would not be possible without the support of the following organizations.

OCC Logo Sponsor
JD Smith Insurance
Gideons Resource Inquiry
Gideons Resource Inquiry

There are many advantages for businesses and institutions who become a Celebration sponsor. Visibility for your company and a chance to play a part in changing lives for all eternity are just a few.